RMB Transfer

An easier, faster, and safer way to settle payments in RMB

RMB Transfer, an official product by PayPal China, has all-round advantages compared with other options.
How RMB Transfer compares with other options

From withdrawal to settlement

Ease of use

Information security


Additional fees or requirement

RMB Transfer

T+0 1

As fast as in 4 hours

One-stop service

Withdraw easily within the PayPal ecosystem

Full protection

Your data fully protected throughout the process

Lower fee

Enjoy a preferential RMB settlement capped fee rate of 0.5% upon activation*


Other Options or Wire Transfer


Other options: 2-3 business days; Wire transfer: 3-7 business days

Complex processes

Need to manage various transfer services with complex processes and cumbersome steps

Security risks

Third-party information leakage risks

High fees

Other options: $35 USD + third-party platform fee; Wire transfer: $35 USD + bank fee

Hidden charges

Other options usually have minimum volume or product bundling requirements

Efficient fund management for a sustainable business

Safe, compliant and hassle free

From estimating the withdrawable amount to settling the funds in your domestic bank, the entire process is completed within the PayPal ecosystem.

Receive RMB as fast as in 4 hours1

Simply click "Withdraw Now" on the RMB Transfer page in your account. PayPal China will complete the rest of the processes as fast as within 4 hours1.

We put your data privacy first

Your personal and business data are strictly protected by the PayPal ecosystem throughout the process without the need to share data with another payment company, saving you from information leakage risks.

  • 1If a withdrawal request is submitted before 13:00 Beijing time, the funds should generally be credited into your bank account on the same day. Withdrawal requests submitted after 13:00 Beijing time will generally be deferred to the next business day for processing and settling.
  • *Please refer to Fee Center for more details.

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