Customer-Centric Service

Our customer support experts are here to help

We always put our customers first and strive to address their needs as much as we can.

We strive to provide professional support to local customers

Ask us anything
We are available to assist you with requests and enquiries.
Bilingual support
Our dedicated team of customer support representatives is trained to support you in both Chinese and English.
Privacy protection
Our strict customer confidentiality policies help prevent risks of customer information leaks.
One-to-one help
We provide personalized consultations to help address enquiries.

Excellence in customer service

Our dedicated customer support team constantly strives to deliver better, more efficient and on-point customer service.


We handle more than 700,000 customer inquiries1


We have a First Contact Resolution (FCR) rate of more than 81.3%1


We have a customer satisfaction rate of more than 85%1

Our Chinese customer support team has been awarded the "Golden Voice Award" for being the best customer service center in China for 11 years running. The award is presented by 51Callcenter under the guidance of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Commerce.

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“Golden Voice Award”- China's Best Customer Service Center

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  • 1Source: PayPal official global statistics, November 2021 to December 2022.

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